Monday 6 April 2020

Between age 45-65, heart is most important

Between age 45-65, heart is most important because we can just die of a heart attack. But, if we know the status of our heart, we can add between 15-30 years to our life.
Another thing very unique about our heart is that it has only three tubes, so called “plumbing”, which supply all the food and oxygen to the heart.
Unless we are born with the heart issues, we always have a healthy heart. So called “heart issues at birth”, either they are there when we are born, or we have absolutely “healthy brand-new heart”.  There is no in-between stage.  We cannot develop heart issues at 5 years of age.
What it means statistically? We do fine till approximately 45 years of age and as we grow old, blockage of heart 3 tubes increases, and some event can precipitate sudden blockage and cause sudden heart attack.
To be honest, we do fine till blockage is up to 70%.
Stress test is where doctors make us run on treadmill will always show that we are okay as long as the blockage is 70% or less…
Yes, it is positive if blockage is more than 70%.
What we need to worry about in old age?
After 50, we need to worry about: –
  1. Heart
  2. Cancer
  3. Arthritis
  4. Retirement funds
  5. Cost of healthcare
  6. Social support
  7. Children
  8. Depression
  9. Dementia
  10. Loss of friends and spouse
  11. Any setbacks in family
Our heart is nice to us. It let us live even though if its own food supply is blocked up to 70%.
There are three tests which if we do once every five years starting at 35 years of age, (for Indian men at 30 years of age) we get right baseline. Basically, we do need a baseline also to compare.
Every five years, we have to check things against that baseline and 40 years of age for women. And, I will start screening them at 35 years of age to obtain the baseline.We will know literally 100% information about our heart.
These tests are simple, easy and affordable, and any good doctor plus good hospitals can do.
Everybody do remember that women heart is protected by female hormones – NATURE’s gift to women.
I have written the book on these 3 tests and it is already available on our website for Re. 1.  It is available at also, titled-  
Add 15 Years to Our Life
Can we? Yes, We Can!
Heart – 3 Important Tests
Blockage from 20%-70% takes 15-30 years. It’s a very slow process (blockage will happen sooner or later, if we live longer).
 If we are not planning to live beyond 40 years, then there is no sense in wasting money. Eat well. Only we doctors know the medical consequences of: eating – less or more.
Please eat! Eat enough. Not less or not more, as defined by our body mass index.
We should worry about specific diet, may be, after the age 40.
Why care to live longer up to 85 today?
Why not?
When we are 60 years, we are at the top of our game, ready to run a country, if we wish so or desire so.
 Without any intervention, we can suddenly die at age 45 or at age 55 or even at 60 years of age.
With timely intervention (and last-minute intervention in India will bankrupt a family) we can add 30 more years of good life.
I will feel very stupid today as an MD, if I were to die suddenly from blockage of one heart artery when my mind is sharp and rest of my body is fine and with timely intervention I can live for 30 more years and my insurance will pay for everything.
It is easier to let go off anyone of us without having heart attack if we are at age 85, 90 or 95 years of age. Because by that time, our obligations are definitely fulfilled to our family, to friends, and to our community, and our country (especially for people living abroad, we do feel an obligation towards India).
Crazy thing about the heart is that even if one part of the heart does not work, rest of the heart can easily handle it, can easily jump the blood, but it is the sudden short circuiting of the electric circuit which makes heart a non-functional pump.
If we shock the heart, heart is reset and “walla,” we can live 30 more years!”
“It is that simple.”
We must give the shock within 5 minutes, but do you think such a thing will happen within 5 minutes in India?
No way!
We are lucky if we can get out of our neighbourhood even in 30 minutes.
“Ambulance”. Forget it. We may take 30 minutes just to find out availability of ambulance.
So, what is the answer?
The Answer is- we must know that, what is up or down with our heart.

Friday 3 April 2020

Kids Born Today Will Live Up To 100 Years!!!

“Biological age of humans is actually 120 years old. Follow my 80:20 rule; 80% of 120 years is 96 years.”
The scientists and biologists have assessed our age to be 120 years. The oldest authenticated person was Jeanne Louise Calment of France who died at the age of 122 years. There was a news that came out on Sep 15, 2013, that the world’s oldest man died in New York at the age 112. His name was Salustiano Sanchez Blazquez. He became the oldest man after June 2013 when Jiroemon Kimura died at the age of 116. So, you can see that we can live up to 120 years.
There has been a fascinating research into what we call telomeres. Telomeres are little caps on our chromosomes. Without telomeres, our cells will lose the ability to divide and would quickly die off. Healthy living may lengthen telomere and lifespan.
In 2009, Elizabeth Blackburn, an author of the new study shared a Nobel Prize for pioneering work done in this field. Dean Ornish of the University of California, San Francisco noted that things that are bad for us accelerate the shortening of telomeres.
1. Smoking makes our telomeres shorter.
2. Emotional stress is also associated with shorter telomeres.
3. As is the lack of exercise.
It has been known that shorter telomeres are associated with an increased risk of many chronic diseases and a shorter lifespan. Dean Ornish has done lot of work showing that heart disease cannot only be prevented but reversed by:
1. Rigorous change in diet
2. Exercise
3. Stress reduction
According to Dean Ornish if telomeres get longer, then life is probably going to get longer, and you are going to have a low risk of developing wide variety of conditions. Since it is the same lifestyle intervention that was found actually not only to prevent but even reverse the most common chronic diseases like heart diseases, early stage of prostate cancer, type 2 diabetes etc.
So far in India, life expectancy has been extended to 65 years. I do want to extend it up to 85 years for the middle class and educated society which have money, resources and motivation available to them to live up to 85. Again, in the renowned journals of England and USA it has been mentioned that the children who are born today are expected to live up to 100 years. So, we can tell our next generation who have children recently or planning to have children in future, that they should plan for their children’s future to live up to 100 years.